Event: Sunday Service
Type: Live on-site + YouTube + audio recording
Location: Chapel + Overflow hall
- Reminder to secure loose power sockets with duct tape - so that you the slides computer isn't force rebooted during service... twice!
- The HDMI 1-to-2 Splitter broke this week. Andrew reckons a capacitor went. Anyways so I was emergency called into the 9AM Mandarin service once again 🙁 I immediately ordered a cheap 1-to-2 HDMI cable which hopefully fixes things
- MP3 recording started late because Bible reading was skipped and moved into Sermon time. We didn't realise immediately.
- The Panasonic HDC-TM900 video camera is not powering on from the remote control power key. Don't know why. This is problematic as someone now needs to stand on a chair to press the physical power button on the camera... or have a step ladder handy...
Note to self: Set a Tasker trigger to turn on ringer volume on my phone Sundays 8AM-10AM
On a personal note, great sermon which really hit the '2020 season' for me in regards to praying during this hard year. [Praying Our Tears With God - Psalms 42-43]