Event: Wedding - Wooj & Rachel (yay!)
Role: Production
Location: SWEC Kingsgrove Chapel
Disclaimer: This is NOT a hired service event. We were also testing some new camera gear.
This was a fairly low-key event to run, as this was hosted at our home church. Main thing was mixing audio for live band (who by the way did a great job!). This was NOT a livestreamed event (a nice break, as we ourselves were 'guests'!), so my duties came down to doing a KFC run for the bridal party in the program lead-up LOL.
Shout out to the couple's team of helpers who put in a big effort within the timeframe.
We did a full event recording (i.e. a straight recording of the whole event). Andrew is video editing for this one. Andrew also covered for the rehearsal - I was just coming back from CMS Summer School that day.
And as always, nice to catch up with friends we hadn't seen in a while. Covid times, how funny...
Future improvements:
- Come in a tshirt and change into formal clothes once there. It gets sweaty during set up!!
- First time using our new Canon EOS R. AF setting needs tweaking as the focus jitters throughout the recording. (We normally can cut to our B camera for those moments)