Hello blog!
This blog entry is a reflective write-up on some of the tech stuff that's been happening.
Well, hasn't 2021 kicked-off! Marked with ambition, fun times and stressful times. So, business as usual. On a personal note, Covid has been much better here in NSW Australia (bless!!) and so I've been able to meet up with a bunch of friends, after over a year of not properly catching up in-person! Holding an online conversation just isn't the same, and I think we've all realised this from the lockdown experience.
It's the Easter long weekend and the start school holidays at the moment, so I'm off from youth group for a bit. Getting some time in the outdoors & some cycling in 😉
What's been happening?

We've livestreamed another 3 weddings in the past two months (K&A, B&E, P&H). This included a Wedding Reception were I did a bit of DJ'ing and filming (first time for both!). Also livestreamed our church's Easter Tenebrae Service, which had some unique requirements. And as usual, we've been 'learning new things' as various issues have come up.
New gear:
- Android app: NDI HX Camera.
- We bought a license for DaVinci Resolve Studio bundled with the Speed Editor Keyboard. Very cool.
- Procured a used Zoom H4n (1st gen) Handy Recorder.
- I also have yet another new ergonomic mouse (wrist pain sux). Blog post to follow. 😮
What went well

Canon EOS R has been good. Still figuring out a few things, but the recordings we get out of the camera are 👌. Need to look into cinema style profiles.
DJ'ing - (one night only! :P) I spent a fair amount of time researching DJ'ing software compatible with music streaming services. After all, my personal Spotify music catalogue definitely isn't going to cut it (its not music everyone could groove too haha 😂). In the end I landed with Djay Pro on Mac + TIDAL - I started trial subscriptions for both.
- SoundCloud Go+ didn't have High School Musical tracks... otherwise would've been good for house, dance and remix/edit tracks.
- Spotify pulled their services from ALL dj software last year 🙁 🙁 😡 Licensing, business and legals just doing their thing.
Future improvements
I realise I'm split between the hats of: audio capture/mixing, video editor, project manager & logistics, working out finances, camera operator, roster & training admin...
- Test, Test, Test
- The recent Windows Audio WDM driver update to the Presonus StudioLive III has been quite problematic. Because we heavily use presets on the mixer, it appears the USB channel mapping are not being stored/recalled properly. Meaning no sound after a profile reset.
- Had audio crackling come back 🙁 The only way to know this is happening is by monitoring the stream or listenback on the input. Audio level meters visually looked fine.
- Sharon's iPhone has no headphone jack. Aiiyah
- Bumping up the buffer in Universal Control temporarily 'fixed' it. Maybe its because I plugged in a USB-powered LED light for myself at the AV desk - weird things happen with USB 3.0 and this mixer's USB interface.
- Admittedly it can be difficult to test everything with the limited time I have. I suppose its about being smart about testing too.
- ACTION: Do a short recording to test audio is good beforehand
- Communication
- Working with people means communicating with people - whether crew members or clients.
- e.g. Naming cameras 'Camera 1' & 'Camera 2' so you're clear about switching sources with the camera operator. Another example is clearly defining responsibilities between the crew.
- Also thinking of publishing an Info Sheet and a FAQ
- Working with people means communicating with people - whether crew members or clients.
- Audience mics are kinda nice
- The best angles...
- ...are tricky to get! I think having a camera at the front is great. Especially when this happens:

DIY project: LED backlit wooden cross for Easter

Spent Thursday night attaching a warm white LED strip behind the existing wooden cross prop we have in the back storeroom.
This is powered by a 12V supply into a cheap wifi LED controller. Unfortunately my phone which had been set up with the control app ended up being used as a NDI camera, so didn't have control. 🤦♂️
I used 'joiners' at the corners rather than bending the LED strip. Also because the strip broke at the bend due to the friction when installing the prop against the wall
There was a bit of uneven lighting on the 'right' arm of the cross in the 10AM morning service, which was easily rectified by tilting the cross over 🙂

"NewTek NDI" is seriously the best royalty free production technology!! Had a NDI stream going to the room where the crucifixion narrative readers were seated, and NDI stream for the cameras (via several Android phones connected via a UniFi AP), and a NDI stream from Pro7 into the OBS for the slides feed. Check out the stream here. (I love it when the church comes together to put on an event like this, Sharon on slides, my 'set design', Johnny on service leading, our readers, and the band - the music is SO good!!)