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Hope in Helplessness

Have you ever had an experience when you're simply left utterly... helpless? Strength fading. Vitals dropping. Physical weakness - perhaps even spiritually too? Racing emotions of those who love you as they await for any news - good or bad. You are at the total mercy of those caring for you. I'll tell you it is quite the experience - a life "chapter marker" moment!

It was SO very much confronting to see the injured and sick. (You tend to chat to people you're stuck with for a week, hearing their stories. What better way to grow in empathy and love towards others, right?)

Ian, I was struck by your good spirits considering where your life journey has lead you till now. I pray God will touch your life in your remaining years.

Our frail health is a stark reminder of our human condition. There's simply no room for self-reliance/confidence/dependence/pride. Out of nowhere, for no reason, the unexpected can strike.

I suppose hospitals are places of hope. People wish each other the best in recovery. And boy are we blessed to have such good health care in Australia! Mad respect to the many hospital staff & health care workers. Doctors, nurses, allied health etc. I am SO thankful for this kindness of God.

All the wordly glory and success amounts to near nothing past death - the fleeting nature of our earthly lives.

God is the only one who holds any real soverignty. His future kingdom is the only real hope that extends beyond this earthly life. And His fatherly love is all I need.

Give me the hope of tomorrow. Give me the strength of today.
You are the promise of peace, my pathway to faith.

On a personal note I am recovering well with treatments but will need to take things easy for the time being; thank you all for your prayers and support 🙂 After all, prayer is dependency on God. What else is there that I could hope to bring or offer of myself?

But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.
Psalm 27:28

-- Jeremy